Monday, October 11, 2010


Hello All.  Thanks for dropping by.  Since you're here, I'm assuming you know a little bit about me, but we all know what happens when you assume.  You make an ass out of Sue and ...I forget how it goes.  Anyway, my name is Pug.  My name is actually Andy, but no one calls me that.  When I was a sweet little adorable puppy they called me Andy -that lasted for about a week.  When my owners were mad at me, they called me Pug.  For some reason, it seems like I was being called "Pug" more and more, as in "Pug.  Get out of the trash can."   "Pug stop eating rocks."  "Pug get away from the plastic explosives."  So now I just go by Pug;  it's easier that way.  So here I am a young Pug about town.  Well, not really town.  We live in the suburbs of Washington DC in a little place called Silver Spring.  I should probably also mention that I do not live alone, though if this blog takes off and I can afford my own place...who knows?  But for now I live with my people, Shari and Kelly.  There's also a new small people that has just moved in with us.  His name is either "Ben" or "Oh god, will you please stop crying."  He makes a lot of noise and seems to be the focus of much attention.  I haven't really decided about him, and am reserving judgement.  I also live with two Boston Terriers named Rex and Lily.  Lily is  a toy-hog and Rex farts a lot, but they're ok.   
So why the blog?  I know what you're thinking.  Pugs are a dime a dozen.  Yes, that's true, but how well do you know the pugs around you?  Probably not so well.  You probably don't know that pugs have been revered throughout history and traditionally sought out for their knowledge and wisdom.  It's a well know fact that Julius Ceasar had a pug.  It's widely reputed that it was the pug who actually suggested to Julius to add anchovies and croutons to his salad. This, as clearly as anything shows the unique insight of a pug--"Really?  Small hairy fish on a salad?" "How about some day old bread?" Ok, if the pug thinks its a good idea, let's try it.  And voilla, the Caesar salad was born.  They decided Pug Salad would be a tough sell, so Julius actually got all the credit. At any rate, please come by and look for the occasional word of wisdom or insight from time to time.  Until then, this is Andy, signing off from the Pug's eye view. 


  1. Nice to meet you Pug. How are those flowers tasting?

  2. Pug writes good! :)

  3. You're on my blogroll now, unless you tell me to undo that. :)
